Business Process Management

Concepts, Languages, Architectures (Fourth Edition)

BPMN modeling (4)

Model the following process using BPMN:

End-of-study projects in an industrial environment is a mandatory part in the Bachelor curriculum. The students are not yet involved in the planning phase, where each research group interacts with its industry partners. As the project proposals have to be handed in to the faculty by 30 June, the research group starts planning in the beginning of June. The group sends request to all of its partners and waits for their proposals for at most a week. The group selects the two most interesting proposals and starts planning the details for these two proposals. First, the proposal is worked over in several iterations: The group updates the proposal document, before it is sent to the partner who in turn updates it and sends it back. Once the document has reached a final status, it is handed in to the faculty. The faculty decides which of the proposals will be accepted. The outcome of this decision results in one of two messages: Either the project proposal was rejected or it was accepted. In the latter case the group announces this positive result to the corresponding partner.

Remark: The internal processes of the faculty and the partners should not be modeled.

More information on BPMN can be found in the book in chapter 4.7